It is unknown to public domain as yet that Guitarmonk has students from President House, Colonels to Airtel CEO, Directors Vodafone. Govt. IAS ranked people, Bankers, Doctors and who not etc. We are the only brand that due to our ‘corporate success’ & ‘backdrop’ is perceived and been ‘stereotyped’ as made for corporate.
Airtel CEO Mr Ajay Chitkara has taken guitarmonk classes at one of our Ghaziabad Branches. We are happy to have him as our student and also delighted to see his passion towards guitar. Even after having such an inch-packed schedule he manages to learn guitar and joined our complete recreational program.
And this has become our both USP and ‘disadvantage’ to have young students too (now being overcome via a separate division for school students as ‘Guitarmonk Club‘). After a long thought we decided to publicly share some of the honorable members and dignitary list (excluding some) at our photo gallery for our students and followers.
It is towards inspiring everyone on how music and success complements & applied by such hard-working, intelligent and busiest people in their lives. Stay updated & connected at our Facebook page and you will enjoy something most newsmaker would crave to know.