Ragas on Guitar

Ragas on Guitar

World's 1st

Official Guitar Course

Students from

41+ Countries

Learn & Play

Ancient Indian Ragas

Ragas on Guitar


Ragas on Guitar is one of the beautiful & pioneer Indian classical guitar styles, launched as an official guitar program for the first time in musical history.

After extensive research & study of the unique application of Ragas on Guitar, guitarmonk has offered an exclusive study to the world & international community of guitar lovers. Yes, you won’t find this course anywhere across the world.

Furthermore, Ragas on Guitar is also an untouched genre that drives every human into the unmixed world of neat emotions.

Raga is like a hundred times enhancement & improvisation of a scale and there are thousands of ragas in Indian classical music, further having multiple compositions to be played on each raga. A scale never sounds boring, never remains confined and monotonous when allowed to implement ragas.

The surprising fact about Raga scales is the parent scales (known as thaats), which are just 10 in numbers in the North Indian study of Classical Music. Here one can also realize that how these 10 simple scales (thaats) can be enhanced, improvised, and applied in playing of thousands of Ragas and millions of compositions with different moods & feelings on the guitar.

Enrol Complete or Level-Wise

Flavour with basic guitar
(if you are an absolute beginner)

3 Basic Guitar Sessions
30 Master Lessons on Ragas

Rs. 8500 5000

Fee for Indian residing in India

US 227 133$

Fee for NRI or Non-Indian

Access Period: 21 days for 3 basic sessions & 45 days for 30 raga lessons
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(if you already have hands-on guitar)

30 Master Lessons on Ragas

by Kapil Srivastava

Rs. 6500 3500

Fee for Indian residing in India

US 173 93$

Fee for NRI or Non-Indian

Access Period: 45 days
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Level – 1

(Fundamentals of Indian Classical)

10 Master Sessions
including 1 Exam

Rs. 11500 8500

Fee for Indian residing in India

US 306 226$

Fee for NRI or Non-Indian

Tenure: 10 weeks 
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Level – 2

(Fundamentals of Alaap)

10 Master Sessions
including 1 Exam

Rs. 13500 10500

Fee for Indian residing in India

US 360 280$

Fee for NRI or Non-Indian

Tenure: 10 weeks 
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Level – 3

(Fundamentals of Taan)

10 Master Sessions
including 1 Exam

Rs. 14500 12500

Fee for Indian residing in India

US 386 333$

Fee for NRI or Non-Indian

Tenure: 10 weeks 
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Level – 4

(Performance Repertoire Build-Up)

10 Master Sessions
including 1 Exam

Rs. 17500 14500

Fee for Indian residing in India

US 466 386$

Fee for NRI or Non-Indian

Tenure: 20 weeks 
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Flavors + Level 1 + Level 2 + 3 + 4

Rs. 49500 45000

Fee for Indian residing in India

US 1320 1200$

Fee for NRI or Non-Indian

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  • GUITAR WARM-UPS & EXERCISES – For Both Left Hand & Right Hand (even for absolute beginners who never held guitar).
  • RAGA BASICS – Origin, Introduction, Characteristics, Important Rules, Practice Tools, Exercises, Varjit & Nyasa Swara, Jaati, etc.
  • NOTATION – Indian Notes/Swaras Names & System, Symbols, etc.
  • THAATS – Bilawal, Kalyan, Khamaj, Bhairav, Poorvi, Marwa, Kafi, Asavari, Bhairavi and Todi


The study of 20 Ragas is divided into 4 levels. 

  1. Bilawal
  2. Yaman
  3. Gaud Sarang
  4. Bhopali
  5. Alhayia Bilawal
  6. Ahir Bhairav
  7. Asavari
  8. Des
  9. Bhairav
  10. Bhimpalasi
  11. Bihaag
  12. Malkauns
  13. Todi
  14. Puriya Dhanashree
  15. Shankara
  16. Brindavani Sarang
  17. Shudh Kalyan
  18. Bhatiyar
  19. Bhairavi
  20. Shivranjani

A total of 10 sessions will be taught at each level. Each session comprises multiple lessons. As the level progresses, the complexity will increase with the gradual inclusions of Taans part. Rhythm styles will also change from foundational Ek Taal, Teen Taal to Rupak, Jhhap Taal, Dadra, Keherva, etc.
The range of octaves will also be expanded. Each Composition’s sheet-music/notation will be downloadable as your life-long content.

Unique Value of the Raga Course

Masterminded & Taught by Kapil Srivastava

Raga is one of the fruitful subjects that offer a new room and space for an Independent style of Music, that can be played limitless… on the Guitar.” I wonder when plenty of guitarists say that they are not obsessed with scales but chords, I found a new world of infinite explorations in the scales; in fact, I have found my world here through Ragas……Kapil Srivastava



Student from Belgium after Raga Level – 1

Performance @ Session 6 of Level – 2

Experience of Learning Alaap @ Level – 2

Your honest effort to impart knowledge is clearly visible. I am blessed to have joined this course. I am 50+ And still feel that i can do this. And this is a great feeling. My gratitude and sincere thanks….

Manoj Shah, Dubai

Good, innovative and refreshing course.
Looking forward for Level -2.

Suman Bhattacharya, USA

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Question

Who is this program for?

This program is both for beginners as well as non-beginners, whether you are an aspiring student, teacher, or performer. 

Difference between Flavours (with basic guitar) & Flavours course?

If you are an absolute beginner then you should go with Flavours (with basic guitar) course as it comprises 3 basic sessions (comprising multiple topics) to give you a prelim-idea about the guitar before proceeding with Raga journey. 

Whereas if you have already some basic hands-on guitar then you can directly enrol in Flavours Course

How will I receive the sessions?

You will be given private access (username and password) to our respective premium online ragas on guitar course portal you enrolled in, where you will receive the course content. In Raga Flavor course, you will get access to the 30 lessons at the start only.  Whereas in the case of Level – 1, Level -2 & Level – 3 module course, you will receive 1 session every week & in the case of Level – 4 module course, you will receive 1 session every 2 weeks. The session will come in the form of a combination of a recorded video, theory content (if any), audio reference (if required), and notations/exercises/supporting sheet (if any). You can ask any doubt and interact with Kapil Sir and team directly through the portal.

What is the difference between lessons and sessions?

In this course, a session is bigger than a lesson. A session can contain multiple lessons. So when we say 10 lessons or 10 sessions. There is a big difference in it. 10 sessions are much larger in terms of content. 

Will I be able to interact in the course?

Yes, it’s a completely interactive program monitored by Kapil Sir & the team. However, each lesson/session is very much organized and most students don’t get any doubt in 90% of cases. Still, Kapil Sir & team is available full-time to answer your all doubts/questions raised anytime, throughout the course. You can ask ‘n’ number of questions/doubts in the forum or under the relevant topics you have doubt about.

When you register for program, you get in touch with Kapil sir & team for the tenure of the program to assist you with the learning.

When will the course start after the registration?

Once you will register you will receive the acknowledgment email within 24 hours. The acknowledgment email both congratulate you as well as ask you to submit any one identity proof of the student. After your reply to the same email. Your course will start in just 24-48 hours.

Exam and Report

In Level -wise learning (Level -1,2,3,4), there is an exam submission, which will be checked and both marks & reports will be shared with you.

Can I directly enrol for Level wise learning?

No, you can either directly enrol for Flavors course or Complete Course. The right sequence of learning is
Flavor → Level 1 → Level 2→ Level 3 → Level 4

And if you mistakenly enrol for higher level course, your enrolment will be automatically transferred to follow the above sequence only. 

Can I re-apply for the exam if i get failed in it?

Yes, you can apply for re-exam (conducted at level -1,2,3 & 4) by paying the corresponding examination fee of that level.

The re-examination fee of each Level is Rs. 2000/- (for Indian residing in India) & US 50$ for NRI/Non-Indian/Foreign Student.

Access Period / Tenure

‘Access period’ is the tenure within which we can access the course. 

In the case of flavour course and flavours course (with basic guitar) you will get portal access for 45 days and 21+45 days respectively (refer below). 

In the case of flavours (with basic guitar course), you will get 2 portal access (one after the other). Firstly, you will get the portal of 3 basic sessions with 21 days access period and then you will get 2nd portal access dedicated to 30 raga lessons. 

And in the case of Level-1, Level -2 & Level-3 module course, the access period/tenure is of 10 weeks i.e. you will receive 10 sessions as per the frequency of 1 session every week. Whereas in the case of Level – 4 module course, the access period/tenure is of 20 weeks i.e. you will receive 10 sessions as per the frequency of 1 session every 2 weeks. 

What is the frequency of sessions ?

Note: This question is applicable only for the level-wise course (& not flavours’ course)

In Level – 1, Level – 2 & Level – 3 course, one new session will be released every week. And you will have 2 weeks of time to access that particular session from that session’s scheduled release date. Whereas in Level – 4 module course, one new session will be released every two weeks. And you will have 4 weeks of time to access that particular session from that session’s scheduled release date.

Raga Playlist

Note: By applying/enrolling in our program you acknowledge that you have accepted the Program’s Terms & Guidelines
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