10 Resolutions for Guitar Lovers – New Year 2017

10 Guitar Resolutions - Lovers -New Year 2017

10 Guitar Resolutions – New Year 2017

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Guitar Lovers, New Year 2017 and you can have a new energy to do something to your Guitar. Let’s start with 10 Guitar Resolutions –

1. Ready your Gear (Guitar, Strings Set, Stand, Notebook, Dust Cover)

2. Make Guitar Accessible to you. Keep it close to you

3. Start Practice for sometime be it 10-15 minutes.

4. Start with your Favorite tune on frets

5. Get in touch to guitarmonk in your city

6. Make list of 5 songs you want to play and perform on guitar

7. Wish someone Happy B’day on Guitar

8. If you are a teacher. Get yourself accredit with guitarmonk and do more in guitar from now

9. If you are a performer, time to launch yourself. Apply at www.gmtunetime.com or www.guitarmonkrecords.com

10. Lastly be part of www.IndianGuitaristsUnion.com to be forwarded as a guitarist for All India Projects.

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