Guitarmonk Honored by all three Ministries

guitarmonk honored by all three ministries

Guitarmonk has been awarded and recognized by all three major govt. ministries in Music excellence.

Pleasure to tell you that ​​Guitarmonk honored by all three ministries and has been the benchmark of guitar ​education for the last 13 years. 

Having taught more than 7800 students with 27 centres and students from more than 14 countries, we are the only ones who has been able to have 98% of  guitar learning success rate (check video) which set us apart from others.

Guitarmonk has also given a dedicated guitar track to a Bollywood Movie Dubai Returns starring Irrfan Khan. Guitarmonk has dedicated separate departments for Guitar programs

 For Corporate | For School | At Centres.

Apart from guitarmonk honored by all three ministries viz. State, Education and Health, Guitarmonk also received several other accolades by Rotary Group, Federation of Public Schools, Amity, HCL, Dr Lal Path Labs and many more. Which is why we are India’s best music education brand.

Click & read – Guitarmonk @ Wikipedia.

 To conduct similar music education activities at your organization email at [email protected]

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