Opening for Part-Time Artist Manager for managing artist, music and writing/coordinating Interviews/Press Releases.
Total time commitment required for the job – Daily 2 hour Job/5 days a Week (40 hours per month)
Nature of job – Primarily Online
Time of working – Flexible
Location of work – Both at Guitarmonk office or work @home
Job description –
- Managing content and all updates for Guitarmonk Records including new album/music release, artist association, photographs, mp3/wav etc, videos and other documents etc.
- Writing/Editing/Proofreading stories for Blog & Press Releases time to time or as required.
- Connecting updates to social media including Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other referred platforms
- Occasional interviews/video bytes as required time to time. (This could be both digitally or visiting the artist at a place)
- Communication with artist/Guitarmonk members (Local & International) for required process/tasks/activities
- Binding of all updates content into a Bulletin quarterly
Eligibility – This job is not biased for a specific profile but candidates graduated/under-graduates in Media/Journalism/Mass Communication will be very much savvy with the profile. Freshers with confidence are most welcome. Candidates in English Honors can also apply.
Important skills required for the tasks are–
1) Good Command in English (Writing)
2) Basic office and Internet
Please feel free to connect at [email protected] for same.